Our 2018 race was absolutely amazing thanks to you the racer & our diligent volunteers. So how will ever make our 3rd year even better? That's easy! (LOL...not) We listened to your feedback, then integrated your suggestion and comments into next year's race. Best of all that fast, fun, and flowy feel is back
We have discovered a way to better organization racers at the starting coral. The Coral will be divided into sections and clearly marked with your age group. Also, we are looking to purchase a GIANT inflatable arch way to clearly indicate where to start.
We've already laid out the 2019 race course and we are pleased to say that the 180º right hand hairpin turn has been removed. We have also found a way to limit the paved section to just the track around the finish line. That's under 300 yards on pavement! You'll go into the woods in a new location. We've added 1 massively wide passing area in the first mile of the race. There is also some new trials that previously were not in the race.
There ares 3 new climbs. One of them is wide enough for 4 bikes, another is long grueling and technical, and the last one...well...it's nick name is "The Wall". It looks like a vertical wall, but there is a clear line. Elevation per lap has been increased by 50 ft.
You wanted more technical features and we heard you loud and clear. There is a new downhill off camber left hand turn that goes immediately into a climb. And we may have a new fun log over pile.
There is a LOT more to come, but you will have to wait for those announcements in the months to come. The Challenge continues.